RIvers Eltor

rivers pfp

character artist who does a lot of other thingsthey/them

currently working on programming my own website!

alone, with only the world there to remind me that i'm alive


I will not draw NSFW or anything suggestive of NSFW.
You may not use my art for NFTs (Non-fungible tokens).
I will not draw anything relating to "shipping" minors.

Character Illustration

Character Illustration Base Prices
Prices may vary depending on complexity.

  • Pencil or Digital Sketch $40

  • Digital Illustration $60

  • Alcohol Marker Illustration $200

  • Minecraft Skin $20

Full payment after sketch. Must provide an image or detailed description of the character.

Sketch Example

Digital Illustration Examples

Alcohol Marker Illustration Examples

Original Character Design

  • Personal Use Base Price $250

  • Commercial Use Base Price $500

Prices may vary depending on complexity.

Live2D Model Art

  • Bust Base Price $400

  • Full Body Base Price $450

Prices may vary depending on complexity.

PNG Tuber

  • Waist up $50

Examples from a previous commission: sc07.group

Veadotube Mini

  • Bust (one state) $55

  • Bust + 4 emotions $65

one state example

One "state" includes four images: eyes open/mouth closed, blink/mouth closed, eyes open/mouth open, and blink/mouth open. Each "emotion" requires its own "state" in order to work in the Veadotube Mini software.All Veadotube Mini & PNG Tuber commissions will be done in a simple, cell-shaded style, as shown above. For other styles please refer to Character Illustration, or contact me for more detailed requests.

Email: [email protected]
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Discord: riverseltor
YouTube: @RiversEltor